Title: “Izhan Mirza Malik’s Living Arrangements Amidst Shoaib Malik and Sania Mirza’s Unconfirmed Marital Status”
In a surprising turn of events, veteran cricketer Shoaib Malik has recently shared glimpses of a new chapter in his personal life, leaving fans on both sides of the border shocked and intrigued. On a Saturday morning, Malik posted pictures of his wedding with Pakistani actress Sana Javed, marking his third marriage. This development comes amid speculations surrounding the state of Shoaib Malik’s marriage with tennis sensation Sania Mirza.
Sania Mirza’s recent social media stories had already hinted at potential trouble in the paradise of the celebrity couple. The cracks in their relationship became more apparent last year when rumors of divorce circulated before the launch of ‘The Mirza Malik Show,’ which they co-hosted. Despite the initial speculations, the show seemed to put an end to the rumors, with reports suggesting that the couple would co-parent their son, Izhan.
However, the recent Instagram story from Sania Mirza that read “divorce is hard” has reignited speculations about the couple’s relationship status. While it is not officially confirmed that Shoaib Malik and Sania Mirza have parted ways, the ambiguity surrounding their marriage persists.
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The story takes an interesting twist with the introduction of Shoaib Malik’s new wife, Sana Javed, into the narrative. If indeed the couple has decided to separate, they are likely to co-parent Izhan, as previously reported. The complexities of marriage and divorce are underscored by Sania Mirza’s poignant message, “Staying in marriage is hard; choose your hard.”
It’s worth noting that Sana Javed is Shoaib Malik’s third wife, with Ayesha Siddiqui being his first and Sania Mirza his second. As fans eagerly await official confirmation regarding the status of Shoaib and Sania’s marriage, the spotlight shifts to how the couple navigates the intricate dynamics of co-parenting, ensuring the best for their son Izhan.
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